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August 29, 2013


Kerajaan Malaysia mungkin memasukkan 4 peratus cukai barang dan perkhidmatan (GST) dalam belanjawan yang akan dibentangkan Oktober depan bagi menangani defisit fiskal yang meningkat... kepada RM14.9 bilion, lapor akhbar tempatan.


 "Saya tidak menolak (GST), ia dalam perancangan. Tetapi biar kita tunggu sehingga belanjawan. Ia pakej untuk semua orang,"
 - Ketua Setiausaha Perbendaharaan, Kementerian Kewangan Tan Sri Dr Mohd Irwan Serigar Abdullah

****lets face it, we will experience's GST completely soon!! Thus start now we must adjust to the bad economic situation...

Posted on 7:10 AM / 0 comments / Read More

August 28, 2013

Bergelak dengan kumpulan cerita MOP Papua :{hahahhaah)

Info pengenalan:
Papua adalah sebuah Pulau bagian paling timur Indonesia West New Guinea (Irian Jaya).Orang Belanda menyebut pulau Irian Jaya atau Papua sekarang dengan sebutan New Guinea yang berawal dari seorang pelaut Spanyol yakni Ynigo Ortez de Retes (1545) yang menyebut “Neuva Guinea” (Guinea Baru).
Epen Kah Cupen Toh (EKCT) adalah Sebuah rancangan kumpulan cerita Mop Papua dimana dengan misi membudayakan budaya senyum, kebersamaan dan ke solidaritasan di Indonesia.

Jom ketawa bersama........................................



Dan banyak lagi di....Epen Cupen vid

**sesuai untuk menghilangkan stress:)
Posted on 9:08 PM / 0 comments / Read More

August 18, 2013

Bilakah operasi buru PTI dilaksana?

Sebelum ini Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) dengan kerjasama polis, Jabatan Imigresen dan Ikatan Relawan Rakyat Malaysia (Rela) telah berjanji akan melancarkan operasi bersepadu secara besar-besaran selepas Hari Raya Aidilfitri ini bagi mengesan dan menahan pendatang tanpa izin di negara ini.

Mengesan dan menahan?? jadi penghantaran balik?

Kononnya  operasi ini meliputi kawasan perniagaan, perladangan, kilang dan kawasan pembinaan di seluruh Negara... kawansan Bandar pun perlu!!!!.....

The big Q ...bila? Jangan kata operasi rahsia last-last tidak pun dibuat.....

Posted on 6:02 AM / 1 comments / Read More

August 16, 2013

RCI:Projek IC untuk politik Bumiputera Muslim??

Didalam keterangan di Hadapan RCI, Hassan Ebrahim( Tahanan ISA) mengatakan Pengeluaran IC untuk pendatang asing adalah untuk menambang dan meneruskan kelansungan Politik Bumiputera Muslim di Sabah.

Hal ini jelas sekali menganak-tirikan penduduk asal terutamanya KDM yang menjadi majority Sabah. Pada pendapat saya, perbuataan ini sangat jahat dan mengkhianat bangsa sendiri demi kepentingan politik.

Dimana salahnya jika non-muslim menjadi majority Sabah? Kenapa kerajaan tidak mahu membangunkan KDM? Sangat Bodohkah Bumiputera Sabah untuk mentadbir negeri Sabah sendiri? Gila...Jahat dan berat sebelah.....dan golongan yang sangat Bodoh ialah Rakyat Sabah sendiri yang terlibat dalam Projek IC... kenapa Bangsa Suluk menjadi 1st class and KDM 3rd Class?


Bila mereka (Pendatang) sudah berkuasa di Sabah maka berlakulah...peningkatan jenayah, penyeludupan Dadah, Rogol, peningkatan bilangan penduduk yang sangat besar, kewujudan rumah2 atas air yang mencemarkan persekitaran, dan yang paling teruk kejadian Darah di Laha datu!!!!


Posted on 11:48 PM / 1 comments / Read More

July 18, 2013

RCI: boosting the population-Musa the Man

I'm keen with the issued and I can't surprised more when Dr Chong Eng Leong, a former Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) politician who authored a book about Project IC, claimed Musa is the 'Taiko' of register foreigners as Umno. His very fake smiles and Kiram looks never win my heart.

"When Umno first entered Sabah, this task force was formed, and the chief was none other but Musa Aman himself," Chong
Easy to say Musa is Umno first Gloden dog who Barking all the way and that why he still the CM.
According to Chong, between 1970 and 2000, in a span of 30 years, the Malay population in Sabah saw a sharp growth rate of 1,552 percent. This is almost 10 times the growth rate of the Kadasan, Dusun, and Murut native communities, and also significantly higher than the 344 percent growth posted by the Bajau community- Malaysia kini

wow!! with this kind of trends, Malay population will boosting to the point that KDM will be the foreigner to the ex-foreigner !!

But in the end, Sabahan still giving their hope to hopeless...
Posted on 6:20 AM / 0 comments / Read More

June 29, 2013

End of Taib empire???

Now,now,now!! as the wind flow nicely, Taib empire being interfere by several eyes who think he reap more than he deserved..  this firmly being revealed trough Youtube video  by Global Witness (GW) recently.
                                                   Inside Malaysia’s Shadow State by GW

The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) reveal that there  are more than 400 files in their probe on corruption allegations against Sarawak’s Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud.
"After the video linking Taib Mahmud was released, a team of 10 MACC investigators was formed to conduct the investigation,”
"There are many documents and many parties involved, as well as witnesses that are all over (the country),"

                - MACC investigation division secretariat assistant commissioner Lim Bee Kean

After two cousins of Taib’s evidences, still the king show no fear and still defending his kingdom  shameless!!!

*** the biggest problem is how MACC take this matter...
Posted on 10:13 AM / 2 comments / Read More

June 26, 2013

Rm7.1 M:The most expensive inks!!!

As we know that in the recent election PRU-13, we being introduced with the permanent ink for mark each voter. The thing that surprises me is:-

"Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim  reveal recently to Dewan Rakyat that RM6.9 million had been spent on the ink, with an additional RM200,000 spent on transportation, packaging and storage, bringing the total expenditure to RM7.1 million.
wow!! the ink must be imported from other space!!!! if they spend this kind of number to the people who needed that... wow!!! imagines that...
***they should use permanent maker from the first place!!!    
Posted on 11:42 PM / 0 comments / Read More

Fake degrees for Minister??

This must be a hard joke!!! DAP's Serdang MP Ong Kian Ming claim that  two ministers have degrees from degree mill universities in Preston and Wyoming are fake.

"Both of these institutions are listed down as unauthorised schools and invalid degrees by the state governments of Oregon and Maine in the United States,"
- Ong Kian Ming
If this true then we being fool by the educated fool wannabe...shame of that,  as we have to spends or money and time also hard effort to achieve such level of educations..
sources: Yahoo
Posted on 11:22 PM / 0 comments / Read More

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